Invitation to seminar on Dhaka University Solar Water Pasteurisation technique
Speaker: Ms. Erika Lundgren
Masters student, Environmental and Water Engineering, Uppsala University, Sweden, will speak on
The Dhaka University method of Solar Water Pasteurisation for rural areas of the Third World
[This seminar is based on research carried out by the speaker as a part of her Masters’ thesis at the department of Biomedical Physics & Technology, Dhaka University during January-April 2013,
supervised by the innovator of this technique, Professor K Siddique-e Rabbani]
Date and Time: 8 October, 11am
Venue: Meeting room, Faculty of Science, Dhaka University
Curzon Hall campus, above Agrani Bank, 3rd floor
[About 100m south of ‘Doel Chattar’ – the roundabout with sculptures of magpie-robin birds]
You are most welcome to attend the presentation and participate in the discussion afterwards.
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